AI Detector Tool

Why is everybody so concerned about the uniqueness of the content they create? You might
have noticed that many free and fee-based tools help content creators reach their goals in terms
of audience attraction. As a rule, they focus on two benefits of writing original articles and blog
posts – adding valuable information to the existing discussion on a specific topic and making
sure search engine bots define their content as helpful. Therefore, following the requirements of
content uniqueness increases the probability of your articles getting to the top and allowing

An effective AI plagiarism checker has become an essential tool for everyone who cares about
the quality of their writing. Writers and students can equally benefit from checking their content
and ensuring it has no sign of AI-generated or copied sentences. It is not a secret that
numerous educational institutions have included the step of AI checks in the evaluation process
of academic papers. When looking for the best tool for yourself, you can have a legitimate
question: “Are all the tools you can find online effective?” Most probably, some of them have
flaws or simply can’t help you with your particular request. Let’s consider key aspects you
should consider when choosing a reliable AI detector.


Well, there will be no surprises here, as accuracy is the most crucial factor. To determine how
accurate the detector is at identifying AI-generated text, you can analyze the algorithms behind
the checking process. How does this particular tool searches for patterns that differentiate
human-written content from AI-generated one? Some tools look for repetitive phrases and
evaluate the overall complexity of the text (if it’s too easy or too difficult to understand). Also, it’s
a good idea to rely on tools that experts have tested and evaluated for their accuracy. This
information can be available in the tool’s reviews as well. For example, you can learn more
about the way Writer AI detection works and in which cases it is the most effective by reading
the disclaimer section on their website:

AI Content Detector Disclaimer

Updates and Upgrades

The reliability of such a tool means that it should consistently produce accurate results. Always
check the date of the last update when choosing an AI detector. This technology is relatively
new and is constantly evolving. Therefore, you aim to find the tool with regular updates and
upgrades. While it was rather easy to alter your text to pass AI detection when such tools
appeared, it is much more difficult to do the same now. Note that you might need to pay an
extra fee to use the updated version. Here’s an example of Sapling’s updates with short
explanations what it means for you as a user:

AI Detector Tool Changlog

User Friendliness

Some tools – GPTZero, for example – do not let you try them out without creating an account
first. While there is nothing terrible about that, it might be an obstacle to users sensitive to their
private information. After all, you might need to check if the tool works the way it should and
meets your requirements before typing in your email address. Therefore, pay attention to such
things and decide whether you are ready to share your personal data right away.

GPT ZERO Dashboard

Meeting Your Needs

Before you start looking for an AI detector, you need to understand your motivation for using it.
Some tools simply give you the final result – whether the text is AI-generated or not, while others
highlight the sentences and paragraphs that do not seem to be human-written. Do you need an
in-depth analysis of your content? Also, if you are among the users who may not be tech-savvy,
the tool you choose should be easy to use and have a clear and intuitive interface. Let’s look at
some examples. AI detector at EssayShark gives you just an overall verdict – if your text is
human-written or not:

AI Detector Tool Checker

Copyleaks, on the other hand, highlights the parts that seem to be AI-generated:

AI Content DetectorPrivacy and Security

The tool should have detailed policies aimed at protecting your data. You will upload your
content there and need to make sure that no one uses it without you knowing about it. Before
you paste your article into the chosen tool, read the section dedicated to privacy and security.
Then, you will know what to expect.


If you regularly create all kinds of content, you might use many writing tools. Therefore, you
might want to look for an AI detector with the possibility to integrate it into your favorite tools.
Most detectors have this option, but often it is fee-based. On top of that, you can check the
tool’s customization options. After all, you have a list of specific requirements when it comes to
content creation. Do you need the tool to have a built-in plagiarism checker as well, or do you
have another app for that? You can also find all-in-one tools that focus on academic writing and
help students create informative and credible papers. is one such tool:

Textero AI Tool

It can help you generate topic ideas, manage sources with a citation generator, create a perfect
structure for your projects, and double-check it with an AI detector. It has free and fee-based


What will you do if something goes wrong and the tool does not work properly when you need it
the most? That is when a reliable support team comes in. Check if the tool you want to use
offers you the option to communicate with real support managers instead of chatbots. Also, pay
attention to their working hours because not all tools have support teams with 24/7 availability.

Additional Tips

Here are some more useful ideas on how to use AI detectors:

  • Test it with different types of content. Doing so will help you assess the tool’s
    accuracy and limitations.
  • Don’t rely solely on the detector. AI detectors are not perfect and make mistakes. Use
    them together with other methods, such as critical thinking and analysis.
  • Keep up with the latest developments in AI. It’s important to stay up-to-date with the
    latest AI technologies and how to detect them.